Family Resource Center
Healthcare for All Families (Spanish)
The Arvin Family Resource Center (FRC) is a program within the Arvin Union School District (AUSD). AUSD is passionate about student education and recognizes that there are additional factors that affect student learning. We collaborate with the families in our schools and the Arvin community to provide support services and referrals. We partner with other community-based organizations in the surrounding area to cultivate a collaborative network to better serve our schools and the community of Arvin.
Director of Support Services, McKinney-Vento, Homeless & Foster Youth Liaison: Dr. Mario Venegas
School Readiness Clerk: Maria Rivas
Family Advocate: Luis Carmona
Family Advocate: Liliana Carranza
- Application Assistance
- Case Management
- Child Development Information
- Crisis Assistance
- Food Bank and Clothing Referrals
- Foster Youth Program Services
- Legal Referrals
- McKinney-Vento Program Services
- Medi-Cal Applications
- Nurturing Parenting Classes
- Unemployment and EDD
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am – 4:00pm
Friday: 7:30am – 3:30pm
Phone: (661) 854-6565
- Foster Youth
- McKinney-Vento Program
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