LCAP & LCAP Federal Addendum
The History of LCAP and LCFF
Beginning July 2014, the governing board of each school district must adopt a local control and accountability plan using a template adopted by the state board. This plan is effective for a period of 3 years and is required to be updated annually.
State Priorities
All districts must address 8 priority areas in their local control and accountability plan. These are
- Basic conditions
- Implementation of California State Standards
- Parent Involvement
- Student Achievement
- Pupil Engagement
- School Climate
- Course Access
- Other Student Outcomes
Public Notices 23-24
Latest Updates
- LCFF Budget Overview for Parents
- 2023/2024 Local Control and Accountability Plan Annual Update
- 2022-2023 Assignment Monitoring
LCAP Addendum
AUSD LCAP Addendum 2024-25 - English
AUSD LCAP Addendum 2024-25 - Spanish
Arvin Union Local Control Accountability Plans
Arvin LCAP Dashboard Summaries
2021 California State Dashboard Local Measures