AUSD State Preschool
Arvin Union School District State Preschool Program will provide quality state funded preschool services that are culturally and developmentally appropriate. The program will be a major resource for the children, families, and community.
AUSD State Pre-K Program will provide a secure environment with a program that addresses the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs of all children. The Arvin program allows children to develop in language and literacy, social and cognitive development, motor skills and health. The purpose of Arvin Preschool program is to work with the parents, families, and community in order to meet the needs of the students. The Arvin State Pre-K program will provide the social and academic foundations to prepare students in a nurturing early childhood education program that establishes routines, strengthen parent child interactions, and to bring in parents as partners in Education in the Arvin Schools.
- Every child is unique and special and needs to know that they are loved and important.
- Love and concern for others is fostered in children and teachers demonstrate how to be caring towards others.
- Conflict resolution and problem solving skills are a major emphasis of the program.
- Children are an important part of the family unit. We meet the needs of our children and their families. We respect the individual culture, needs of families, and provide a large variety of family involvement activities.
- The program will be based upon the developmental needs and interests of the children
Preschool Healthy Habits: Habitos Saludables
- Be safe, Be healthy, Student Expression
- Expression/ Sea seguro, esté sano, expresion estudianti
- Wash hands (count to 20)
- Lavarse las manos (contar a 20)
- Wear your mask
- Usa tu máscara
- Express yourself: Be creative, Talk about your feelings.
- Expresate, se creativo, habla de tus sentimientos
- Home, At School, In the Community.
- En casa, en la escuela, en la comunidad.
- En casa, en la escuela, en la comunidad.
Learning Resources
- Summer Bonus Material
- Daily Planner - June
- Planificador para el aprendizaje - Junio
- California’s parenting website
Parent Site
- Help Me Grow
- Lead Poisoning and your Children
- Proteja a los niños contra el envenenamiento por plomo
- FDA Warning About Hand Sanitizer
- Online Workout for Kids
- Child Care Resources
Strategies for Children
Distance Learning/Materiales de Aprendizaje a Distancia
App to Support Families During the Coronavirus Outbreak and Beyond
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